Pastor's Corner

- If God is our friend (meaning 'humankind') how do we answer for the 'pain and suffering'?
2. This dispensation (of Grace) sets us apart as it regards our
relationship with God. How so?
3. God cannot lie, manipulate or change His pre-determined will. Why do these realities keep Him from being 'friendly' to mankind?
4. Is Grace truly sufficient? How so?
5. Can we be Friends with God, though He cannot be friends with Us? If so, how?
1. Count your blessings. By this I mean, throughout the week, make a chart of each 'blessing' that comes to mind. Do it every day. Just set
aside a few moments. Don't 'do it' with intent-but rather as the Spirit
prompts a circumstance, or a name or a thing that comes to your heart.
2. Try each day to be 'friendly' with God. Start your morning with a
"Hello, Holy Spirit; how are You today? What's up with us?"
3. Remember a time when you were desperate, down and out and flat
busted (emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, financially). What
happened that changed your life for the better? Was it a circumstance or just 'waiting it out.' If you've not given proper credit to the matter
(i.e. what did help) be sure to be thankful for that and for the issue. It
made you better!
4. Do you secretly 'resent God' for something that perhaps occurred
when you believed He let you down? Talk to the Spirit about this.
Remember, God cannot make another person do anything, nor change "Mother Nature" or keep death from happening.
5. You owe a certain amount of Love to others. (Rom. 13:8) Call that one to whom you owe and let it be known.