The Answers

Here are some questions that have been asked by everyone at one time or another, followed by the answers supplied by our Pastors from the Word of God. If you have any other questions you would like answered, please submit them to us and our pastors would be glad to answer them.
On Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 Pastor Mark Smith hosts a bible Study group that looks at the word specifically though the eyes of Grace.
Q: What's my life all about?
A: Life is about choosing right from wrong and discerning where, when, and how to live in harmony with God's presence time. Loving God and loving others is the highest goal to which any person can attain.
Q: What's God's will for my life?
A: Your life is very complex and changes occur daily. Anything connected to God's Spirit is uniquely and wonderfully "willed" by God in the moment. Our church believes that God blesses whatever you have given over to love, righteousness, kindness and humility.
Q: Does God love me? If so, why?
A: Yes, God loves you , because it is God's nature to love. God is love. But God differentiates this love.Only when you come to the point where you can accept God's son, Jesus Christ, as your personal savior, will you find that you are passionately and personally loved by God in ways that you never imagined.
Q: Does God really forgive me?
A: God forgives anyone of anything when one asks for salvation. God's forgiveness is forever. God will forgive you, if you ask.
Q: How do I affirm that God is 'calling' me into action?
A: When you sense that God might be leading you or calling you into some role or action, you should verify this with your community of faith. The Spirit can indeed prompt deep mysteries to unfold in the human heart so you must always stay open and alert, watching for God at work in you.
Q: If God is in control, then why doesn't God control everything?
A: Because God gave us free will, God actively chooses to not control anyone's actions, thoughts, or decisions. This gift allows people to freely worship God, without coersion. It means that when we do love God, it is genuine and honest. We do have a choice.
Q: What's God's plan for the world?
A: God originally intended for humans to inhabit the galaxies and fill all things with God. That plan was marred by an archangel name Lucifer and some of the other heavenly beings who exercised their free will to rebel against God. This action was called a "fall" and these entities are now referred to as "turned away" from God's presence. Later, people chose the same path of rebellion. God has plans to begin anew the original scheme, with the help of all "redeemed" people who live in conscious and deliberate relationship with God.
Q: Why does God allow disasters, violence, tragedies and war?
A: God cannot interfere with mankind's free will or with nature without profound consequences to the cosmos. Instead intervenes to give comfort, consolation, and wisdom. God infuses people, places, and things with his Spirit to prevent or heal the damage done from acts of random or intentional malice or even outright evil.
Q: Why does God allow suffering? Why does it have to happen to children?
A: Suffering comes from a diseased world and depraved minds. God created humankind to love children and God is more appalled by the untimely pain, torture, or death of any child than any person can feel or understand.
Q: Why are some people healed and others not?
A: Our church believes that miracles and healings today are not divine (from God), but more likely paranormal arising from fallen angels attempting to "do good" by counterfeiting God's work, from the elemental energy of the earth, or within human nature). The paranormal world is confusing, unpredictable, and often fraught with with misleading actions and cannot be depended upon.
Q: Why are there so many religions in the world?
A: Religion attempts to structure God within rules and regulations and to find many ways to manipulate these commandments. Religion also forms relationships with human idols and artificial portrayals of gods to keep you from believing in the one and only Creator. Faith is the acknowledgement that a relationship with God alone can bridge the gap between God and people. Religion and faith are two different things , though people often confuse the two.
Q: Why does theology (doctrine) seem to separate instead of unify?
A: Doctrine and theology are the explanations which can help define a faith or religion. Even as we struggle to understand God's truth, we must be ready to provide a logical defense of what we do know based upon God's Word. This is called "apology." It is the nature of people to resist that which is not their own opinion, so dialogues about faith often become heated. This is where spiritual transformation takes place. So even if there is divisiveness among churches or individuals in doctrine or theology, God can bring about unity in the Spirit.
Q: Doesn't science disprove Christian beliefs? Aren't science and Christianity in opposition?
A: God authored all the laws of science and people interpret these governing forces in the context of their own time, culture and frame of reference, though often from a place of ignorance and foolishness. Nonetheless, God loves for people to discover the creation in all of the ways and means that science can accomplish. Science and faith may seem to be in opposition from a human perspective, but always creation will prove science, not the other way around.
Q: Why is there a perception that the overall influence of Christianity been negative?
A: Great institutions of learning, hospitals, and efforts toward social justice have been directed by God's Spirit throughout all the generations of mankind. Without Christianity there would be no human civility or common good for any human welfare. In the United States, our own culture is so thoroughly infused with Judeo-Christian values that it is impossible to separate them. Our basic freedoms, law, and governance all stemmed form a Christian worldview.
Q: What happens after we die?
A: Death is a passage into eternity and a place of dwelling - either with God or without God. Until the last judgement, those who have not accepted God's son as a personal savior will await their final fate in a place of separation from God. Those who have accepted God's son as their personal savior will go immediately into God's presence.
On Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 Pastor Mark Smith hosts a bible Study group that looks at the word specifically though the eyes of Grace.
Q: What's my life all about?
A: Life is about choosing right from wrong and discerning where, when, and how to live in harmony with God's presence time. Loving God and loving others is the highest goal to which any person can attain.
Q: What's God's will for my life?
A: Your life is very complex and changes occur daily. Anything connected to God's Spirit is uniquely and wonderfully "willed" by God in the moment. Our church believes that God blesses whatever you have given over to love, righteousness, kindness and humility.
Q: Does God love me? If so, why?
A: Yes, God loves you , because it is God's nature to love. God is love. But God differentiates this love.Only when you come to the point where you can accept God's son, Jesus Christ, as your personal savior, will you find that you are passionately and personally loved by God in ways that you never imagined.
Q: Does God really forgive me?
A: God forgives anyone of anything when one asks for salvation. God's forgiveness is forever. God will forgive you, if you ask.
Q: How do I affirm that God is 'calling' me into action?
A: When you sense that God might be leading you or calling you into some role or action, you should verify this with your community of faith. The Spirit can indeed prompt deep mysteries to unfold in the human heart so you must always stay open and alert, watching for God at work in you.
Q: If God is in control, then why doesn't God control everything?
A: Because God gave us free will, God actively chooses to not control anyone's actions, thoughts, or decisions. This gift allows people to freely worship God, without coersion. It means that when we do love God, it is genuine and honest. We do have a choice.
Q: What's God's plan for the world?
A: God originally intended for humans to inhabit the galaxies and fill all things with God. That plan was marred by an archangel name Lucifer and some of the other heavenly beings who exercised their free will to rebel against God. This action was called a "fall" and these entities are now referred to as "turned away" from God's presence. Later, people chose the same path of rebellion. God has plans to begin anew the original scheme, with the help of all "redeemed" people who live in conscious and deliberate relationship with God.
Q: Why does God allow disasters, violence, tragedies and war?
A: God cannot interfere with mankind's free will or with nature without profound consequences to the cosmos. Instead intervenes to give comfort, consolation, and wisdom. God infuses people, places, and things with his Spirit to prevent or heal the damage done from acts of random or intentional malice or even outright evil.
Q: Why does God allow suffering? Why does it have to happen to children?
A: Suffering comes from a diseased world and depraved minds. God created humankind to love children and God is more appalled by the untimely pain, torture, or death of any child than any person can feel or understand.
Q: Why are some people healed and others not?
A: Our church believes that miracles and healings today are not divine (from God), but more likely paranormal arising from fallen angels attempting to "do good" by counterfeiting God's work, from the elemental energy of the earth, or within human nature). The paranormal world is confusing, unpredictable, and often fraught with with misleading actions and cannot be depended upon.
Q: Why are there so many religions in the world?
A: Religion attempts to structure God within rules and regulations and to find many ways to manipulate these commandments. Religion also forms relationships with human idols and artificial portrayals of gods to keep you from believing in the one and only Creator. Faith is the acknowledgement that a relationship with God alone can bridge the gap between God and people. Religion and faith are two different things , though people often confuse the two.
Q: Why does theology (doctrine) seem to separate instead of unify?
A: Doctrine and theology are the explanations which can help define a faith or religion. Even as we struggle to understand God's truth, we must be ready to provide a logical defense of what we do know based upon God's Word. This is called "apology." It is the nature of people to resist that which is not their own opinion, so dialogues about faith often become heated. This is where spiritual transformation takes place. So even if there is divisiveness among churches or individuals in doctrine or theology, God can bring about unity in the Spirit.
Q: Doesn't science disprove Christian beliefs? Aren't science and Christianity in opposition?
A: God authored all the laws of science and people interpret these governing forces in the context of their own time, culture and frame of reference, though often from a place of ignorance and foolishness. Nonetheless, God loves for people to discover the creation in all of the ways and means that science can accomplish. Science and faith may seem to be in opposition from a human perspective, but always creation will prove science, not the other way around.
Q: Why is there a perception that the overall influence of Christianity been negative?
A: Great institutions of learning, hospitals, and efforts toward social justice have been directed by God's Spirit throughout all the generations of mankind. Without Christianity there would be no human civility or common good for any human welfare. In the United States, our own culture is so thoroughly infused with Judeo-Christian values that it is impossible to separate them. Our basic freedoms, law, and governance all stemmed form a Christian worldview.
Q: What happens after we die?
A: Death is a passage into eternity and a place of dwelling - either with God or without God. Until the last judgement, those who have not accepted God's son as a personal savior will await their final fate in a place of separation from God. Those who have accepted God's son as their personal savior will go immediately into God's presence.